Sorting waste is something we do at all times and in all places. That includes hospitals, residential care centres and doctors’ practices. The Sortstore helps you to manage the separate collection of PMD, glass, paper and cardboard, food waste and residual waste. You’ll find free posters, stickers and other communication materials to inform and motivate employees, patients and visitors. It’s all about working together to ensure a cleaner and more sustainable future!
Let’s get started!
- All materials in the Sortstore are FREE.
- Select the materials you need and fill your shopping cart.
- Click on ‘order’, and we’ll deliver your materials within two to three weeks. Shipping is free.
- You can also download some materials immediately and print them yourself.
- The material is available in different languages (EN, NL and FR) and sizes.
- Also check out the specific sorting rules for hospitals and general practitioners.
- Do you have a kitchen or company restaurant? If so, be sure to also check out the sorting rules for the catering industry.
Good luck!