The following terms and conditions of use apply to the use of the website www.shop.fostplus.be ('the Website') and the online applications ('the Applications'). By using the Website and the Applications, you are deemed to have read and accepted these terms and conditions of use.
- Information
The information made available on or via the Website is purely general and is intended exclusively for general use. The information has not been adapted to personal or specific circumstances. No rights may be derived from the information. Meticulous care was taken when compiling the content of the Website and the Applications. However, it cannot be ruled out that certain information may be obsolete, incomplete or otherwise incorrect.
Fost Plus cannot give any guarantees with regard to the nature or content of the information on the Website or in the Applications. You remain responsible at all times for checking whether this information is sufficient to enable us to fulfil our task. If you observe inaccuracies in the information made available on or via the website and/or the Applications, you can contact us at any time.
- Interruptions
Fost Plus endeavours to prevent interruptions in the availability of the Website for consultation and/or the use of the Applications as much as possible. Nevertheless, Fost Plus cannot guarantee that the Website and the Applications will remain entirely free of any interruption, of any nature whatsoever, or of other technical problems.
- Hyperlinks
The Website may contain hyperlinks to other websites over which Fost Plus exercises no technical or content control or authority. Consequently, Fost Plus does not offer any guarantee regarding the completeness or the accuracy of the content or the availability of these websites. Including hyperlinks to other websites does not imply any connection, relationship or approval on the part of Fost Plus with or of these websites or their content. If you wish to create hyperlinks on your own website to the Website, please contact us in advance.
- Liability
Fost Plus is not liable for electronic communication via the Website and/or the Applications, such as sending e-mail messages and all other information (including information in the context of the online declaration) or for the delay, interception or manipulation by third parties of these communications. Any use that you make of the Website and/or the Applications, including all information which is made available on or through the Website and the Applications, is therefore entirely at your own risk.
You are thus liable for any choice or decision that you make on the basis of information that you have obtained on or via the Website and/or the Applications. You should take all reasonable precautions to prevent your equipment and/or data being affected by viruses, bugs, etc. Fost Plus does not provide any guarantee regarding the compatibility with your equipment of the files that form part of or occur on the Website and/or in the Applications or regarding the accessibility of these elements.
Fost Plus cannot be held liable for any damage that may occur or result from any direct or indirect use of the Website and/or the Applications. For the use of the Website and/or the Applications, Fost Plus cannot be held liable for damage resulting from any interruptions and other technical malfunctions, or for damage caused by technical errors, even if the error were to be classed as a ‘serious fault’ under Belgian law, or by viruses or similar disruptive elements or further to the consultation or use of websites (for example via hyperlinks) to which reference is made on or via the Website and/or the Applications or the information contained therein.
- Intellectual property rights
The Website and the Applications are covered by copyright. Your access to the Website and the Applications and the information made available there does not imply any transfer of any intellectual property rights. The information made available to you on or via the Website and the Applications may only be used for your own internal purposes. You will refrain from using this information or these files for any other purposes, in particular by making use thereof for commercial purposes.